Have you ever been at a crossroad in your life regarding work, family, relationships, etc - wondering which way to go? Yes, you see the signs along the way but remain unclear uncertain, and unhappy? A reading from IKEOMA may just be what your spirit is seeking.My astrological and tarot readings from IKEOMA were spiritual sojourns into an inviting safe place where wisdom, love and peace flowed from an intuitive ancient source. IKEOMA is a gifted healer with great insights to share from the ancestors, angels and guides. If you are seeking clarity, tarry not my friend- call IKEOMA today!"



Gigi R


You must listen carefully to each and EVERY word she says because whatever comes out of her mouth will not go out void and it will be the bone truth! My astrological reading with Ms. Kiki was so on point, so much so that it is still unfolding to this day and I received the reading over a year ago.


Tunnie K



Taking the Rootwork For Transformation class changed my entire life. It helped me heal old wounds and regain my power back and self esteem.




Ikeoma Divine not only has the gift of sight, but she works it in a healing and loving way to help her clients uncover and realize their own gifts and personal power. She is unapologetically true to the ancestors and rooted in the powerful tradition of Southern conjure. I love this sister and know from experience that she is the real deal!


Ayo N



The readings I've had with Ikeoma Divine changed the game for me.  Where there were no love interests in my life , suddenly after a series of prescribed rituals, there were and continue to be plenty. The beautiful part about all of this is that I attracted the EXACT qualities I asked for and found them all in one person.

I'm grateful for the insightful guidance Ikeoma Divine has given me over the years. She's not only a gifted seer, adept in the craft of candle magick, she is also an incredible diviner that has the unique ability to ground all of what she sees in the astral down unto earth by making it practical and relevant to your everyday life.

If you're wondering if you should get a reading with her, wonder. No. More.  Go for it. You won't be disappointed. It'll be one of the best investments you've ever made in yourself.


S Mckee

I would to take this moment and show my appreciation for who and what you are! You have been a major blessing in my life.  You are a blessing for so many. Taking your classes made me put down my damn ego and go deep !! I appreciate all your work and patience and guidance with me. Please never stop there are so many more females just like me out here that needs you. I love you thank you from the bottom of my heart!!!!


Shavon W


I cannot begin to describe how you've helped me with so much clarity in my life. Which increased me to embrace the true me and become free. I received clarity in the some things I needed to release, embrace, and acknowledge my intuition.


I came to you not knowing anything about astrology or what astrology was about. You took your time explaining to me the difference between tarot and astrology readings.


I still didn't know what to expect the day of my reading but Ikeoma, everything you told me still manifesting to this day.


The day I sat next to you across the table is a day I will never forget for the rest of my life. I bring you up daily to family, friends because I'm just so amazed how everything you told me was so real. Majority I already knew however the reading I received gave me the last "UMPH" I needed to fulfill my destiny and embrace my purpose in life.


Your are the TRUTH. I really can't thank you enough, nor express enough on how great you are.


I will never forget you ever!

Thank You


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